Ken's Kaleidoscope
A Web site for my Family and Friends

Welcome back to my web site! It's been off-line for almost two years but we are back! All the old stuff is here and I really need to spend some time updating, in the meantime , feel free to browse and if you have been here before, check out your favorite pages again as I try to update, at least some of them, about once a week. I usually offer a few suggestions below but these are only the most recent additions. Since I rarely remove anything, there is a lot of stuff (mostly photographs) out here, so go ahead and browse - you may find a shot of yourself!
In the meantime, I will be updating the site with all kinds of stuff, including the new additions to the family over the past two years, the 2005 family reunion, a week of sailing in the BVI, a week at Disney with the grandkids and their parents, as well as other vacations. Be sure to come back in a week or two.
Melissa had another baby!
Abigail Marie arrived on Saturday, January 20, 2007. What a cutie pie! Mother and child are doing well! If you like baby pictures, you will like this page - Pop Pop clicks them off at a rapid rate - so keep coming back for updates as she grows.
Click on these thumbnail-sized pictures on the ends to enlarge them -hit the return arrow to get back

Sixth Annual Family Reunion
Remember, our family reunion is always on the first Saturday in August - ALWAYS! And it's always at the G-town Pool. There is really no excuse for missing it. Hope to see you there this year. I am processing the 2005 pictures now and many that Family Reunion are posted. Not all of them, but enough to get you started. Check them out in the Family section, under the Reunions tab, or just click HERE And be there this year!
Kathleen and I traveled to Ghana in August 2006 and spent three weeks with Jon seeing most of the country. What an experience! Jon is in the Peace Corps and has been there since June 2005. He is teaching in a small village called Bawku way up in the northeast corner of the country.
I took about 1200 pictures on that trip and plan to post the best of the best as time goes on. Right now you can go to the Africa page of the site to start your viewing. Again, you will need to come back to see what I have posted as this will take a bit of time.
Trans-Atlantic Adventure: It's been a few years since my 2100 nautical mile sailing trip across the Atlantic Ocean. At that time I was sailing with a friend on his 35 foot sailboat from Cape Verdes to Grenada. We had our Thanksgiving dinner three days out from Mindelo in the Atlantic Ocean. At 11am on Thursday, 11/27/2003 we were at Latitude North 16 degrees 32.392 minutes, Longitude West 31 degrees 28.640 minutes. That put us a little under 400 miles out from Cape Verdes. I am in the process of updating my web site to include all my notes and pictures from this trip. After a year, I would say it is about time. You can follow this process as I plan to update the site a bit every week until I have it all there. My goal is to have it complete by December 15th of 2007.
You can check out my progress by starting at: Ken and Bogies Excellent Adventure
The 2005 MAST racing series commenced on Memorial Day weekend. I try to take a few pictures during every race and post them on the site. To see the latest shots, go to the Friday Night Racing page and select a tab. I'll have a tab for each race's photos. As with all the photos out here, you can start the process to download a favorite to your own computer with a right click of your mouse button.
We started using a new starting sequence this year. Click on the thumbnail at the left to enlarge the photo of the Committee Boat. I will definitely be updating this area with new racing pictures from the 2006 season in the very near future. Stay tuned!
Jon went off to Ghana, Africa with the Peace Corps on June 7, 2005. The Saturday before we had a great party to send him off. I am in the process of editing the few hundred pictures I took, but some are up now. Check them out at Jon's Farewell Party
I have preserved all of Kevin's Family Stories as they are timeless classics. You can view Welcome Home Wayne, The Football Hero, The Day Mom Fell Thru the Attic, The Submarine and The Spelling Bee among others. Just click HERE or on one of those titles. A pictorial tribute to my brother Kevin who we lost on Tuesday, 11/23/2004 to Gullian-Barre Syndrome can be viewed at: Kevin's Pic's
I recently completed the Mack-Boring Hands-On Diesel Class, featuring the Yanmar diesel I have on my boat. Don't even bother going here unless you REALLY like diesels or have some desire to see a bunch of pictures of reliable iron--and I do mean a bunch of shots of Yanmar diesel engines. If you have a diesel on your boat, I highly recommend this course. Still interested? You can check out my pic's at: The Diesel School |
Number of Visitors since January 22, 2007 - |
Copyright � 2007 by J.K. Michaelchuck Enterprises all rights reserved