INTRODUCTION We Lost Kevin on Tuesday, November 23rd 2004. A prolific writer, his stories will live on, here on my web site. I will leave his work on this site just as he created it. The family stories he wrote are sometimes insightful, sometimes moving, and always funny. Kevin had a knack for writing, even though he had no formal education in this area that I know of. I only know that I like his style and enjoy reading his material. If you grew up in, or with, our family I know you will enjoy reliving some of the good and bad times. If you never met any of us, these narratives will give you a view into our family. Some will be envious after reading Kevin's chronicles, others with be glad they never had to endure life in our house.
Now, here is Kevin's original introduction:
To anyone reading this, welcome. My name is Kevin Kopko. I am about to begin a series of short stories about a subject that is close to my heart….. my family, and what it was like growing up in it. As you read each story, you will come to know my family better and better. And you will discover something. The things we experienced as a family are really universal. You will recognize that our family was really very much like your own. Only different…… To access Kevin's Family Stories click on this link: Kevin's Classic's
For as long as I have known him--and that is for as long as he has been on this earth,--Kevin has always exhibited a creative bent. Click on the cartoon at the right to enlarge it. Brother Ken, Editor and Web Master Click on one of the tabs above to read a story or Kevin's most recent fan mail
I have posted pictures of Kevin on another page: Kevin's Pic's
This page was last edited on 03/3/2007 |