Current Fare will feature notes, messages and other
information as I receive it from friends and family. I would like your
updates and current events for posting here. Birthdays, Anniversaries, and
other similar milestones can be covered here. A new tab, "Second
Grade," shows Melissa's Second Grade Class.
Ice Fishing in
When you decide to live in Wisconsin,
you make a choice and you understand that it gets cold up here in the winter
time. You then need to make another decision: Do you hibernate
inside the house all winter, scurrying from home to store and back, or do you
get out and enjoy the winter climes? I chose the latter. Here are a
few pictures from a recent Ice Fishing trip with Joe and Dan. A mouse
click on the thumbnail will enlarge it. Just hit the return button to get
back to this page. Enjoy, . . .
Just a matter of time, . . .
Joe demonstrates the "Tip-Up"
Dan demonstrates use of the Auger
My Van Parked on the Lake
Big Cedar Lake
It don't get no better than this!
Father and Son
Joe and Dan are dressed and ready
Looking Good, But No Fish!
Dan and Joe on the ice
Big Cedar Lake Team-Ken, Dan and Joe
Good Bye Parties will be included here
as well. Here is the latest one. We said goodbye to Jeff at Joe and
Laura's, our gracious hosts:

Below you will find almost 50 thumbnail shots that
you can click on and enlarge. Just use your Back button to get back to
this page after viewing a full size picture.
Hoops by the light of the fire
Grand Kids are Great!
Best part of the party
"Goodbye Jeff"
Jeff and Tammy
Laura-the hostess of the party
Garage Social
Hoops Contender Tony
Megan ran herself out of gas-at last!
A Collage of Photos of Jeff

Always interested in different objects to photograph, I
captured a couple of shots of these lizards that i thought might be fun to work
with. Click on them to enlarge to life size and let me know if you
The five thumbnails below are different
shots of the new 50th Anniversary Z06 Corvette. What a machine!

I knew it was going to be a good year
when we celebrated with the family and the Dorgan's on New Year's Eve!
