Captain Ken likes to read to the Second Grade Class at
Congress Elementary. Mrs. Spredemann has invited Captain Ken to read to
her class about once a month. Here are some pictures taken during a recent

Here are some photos of some great looking kids!
All were doing their best to make a funny face. Captain Ken says, "They
look Great!"
Great Funny Faces!
Best Funny Face
Super Funny Faces
Best Funny Face
Best funny face
We are happy!
Great looking funny faces!
Funny Faces
Close Up shot
More Funny Faces
Funny Faces
If you look below, there are pictures of the
students. These are "thumbnail" pictures, which means they can
be enlarged if you put your cursor on the picture and click the left mouse
button. They will blow up to full size. And there are 29 smart, good looking children
here. After viewing the enlarged picture, just hit the "Back"
button to go back to this page:
Below are some pictures taken in the
And here are some close up shots of each
of the students who were in class when Captain Ken took their pictures.
These were "cropped" from the big photo's above.

The End