| Well, here's an update to the Zoo page. We went back to the zoo last week and found that even though it is the same Zoo, we had new adventures! Yes, Megan loves the zoo. She loves the animals of course, but she is also into the Merry-Go-Round and the Zoo train, an eight minute route around the park grounds. So here are our photos from the most recent trip to the zoo. The old ones will remain below. I will just add the new at the top of this page. Above you see Megan on the train again. I do believe she could ride the train all day and be happy! Note her Green Bay Packer hat. She is definitely a Cheesehead. Below are a bunch more shots I took this day. Just could not help myself. The first set were taken as we had lunch. I just ripped off a bunch of shots as Megan was playing with her milk, the straw, the freedom fries, and then her doggie. Just click on any of the pictures to blow it up to full size. After viewing hit the "Back" button to return to this page.
The real beauty of digital photography is all the editing opportunities one has. Every picture can be cropped and modified to produce several variations. At the left is a close up of Megan taken from the last thumbnail above. I use a Fuji 4.7 mega-pixel camera on all my shots and it seems to do a very nice job.
Tuesday's with Megan will now include the Zoo. We have a pretty nice zoo here in Milwaukee and Megan loves to go and see the animals. Kathleen and I got the three-year pass and now we will be alternating our "Tuesday's with Megan" to include visits to the Zoo.
This page was last edited on 03/3/2007 |